Graphing Equations with a Graphing Utility
Most graphing calculators require similar techniques to graph an equation. The equations sometimes have to be manipulated so they are written in the style y=_____. The TI-84 Plus, and many other calculator makes and models, have a mode function, which allows the window (the screen for viewing the graph) to be altered so the pertinent parts of a graph can be seen. For example, the equation has been entered in the TI-84 Plus shown in Figure 9a. In Figure 9b, the resulting graph is shown. Notice that we cannot see on the screen where the graph crosses the axes. The standard window screen on the TI-84 Plus shows , and . See Figure 9c.

Example 3: Using a Graphing Utility to Graph an Equation
Use a graphing utility to graph the equation: .Solution
Enter the equation in the y= function of the calculator. Set the window settings so that both the x- and y- intercepts are showing in the window.