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Guías de estudio > Prealgebra

Notation and Modeling Additions of Whole Numbers

Learning Outcomes

  • Use symbols and words to describe addition of single and double digit numbers
  • Model addition of single and double digit numbers using base-10 blocks, or shapes

Use Addition Notation

A college student has a part-time job. Last week he worked 33 hours on Monday and 44 hours on Friday. To find the total number of hours he worked last week, he added 33 and 44. The operation of addition combines numbers to get a sum. The notation we use to find the sum of 33 and 44 is:


We read this as three plus four and the result is the sum of three and four. The numbers 33 and 44 are called the addends. A math statement that includes numbers and operations is called an expression.  

Addition Notation

To describe addition, we can use symbols and words.
Operation Notation Expression Read as Result
Addition ++ 3+43+4 three plus four the sum of 33 and 44


After talking to her counselor, Esmeralda needs to determine how many classes she has taken so far at Blue Sky College. Last year she took 66 classes, and this year will complete 88 classes. She needs to determine the sum of 66 and 88. First translate the sentence into math notation and then calculate the results. Translate from words to math: 6+86+8 The operation of addition combines numbers to get a sum We read this as six plus eight and the result is the sum of six and eight. 6+8=146+8=14

Model Addition of Whole Numbers

Addition is really just counting. We will model addition with base - 10\text{base - 10} blocks. Remember, a block represents 11 and a rod represents 1010. Let’s start by modeling the addition expression we just considered, 3+43+4. Each addend is less than 1010, so we can use ones blocks.
We start by modeling the first number with 3 blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_019_img-02.png
Then we model the second number with 4 blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_019_img-03.png
Count the total number of blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_019_img-04.png
There are 77 blocks in all. We use an equal sign (=)\text{(=)} to show the sum. A math sentence that shows that two expressions are equal is called an equation. We have shown that. 3+4=73+4=7. Doing the Manipulative Mathematics activity "Model Addition of Whole Numbers" will help you develop a better understanding of adding whole numbers.


Model the addition 2+62+6.

Answer: Solution 2+6[/latex]meansthesumof[latex]2[/latex]and[latex]62+6[/latex] means the sum of [latex]2[/latex] and [latex]6 Each addend is less than 1010, so we can use ones blocks.

Model the first number with 22 blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_016_img-02.png
Model the second number with 66 blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_016_img-03.png
Count the total number of blocks CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_016_img-04.png There are 88 blocks in all, so 2+6=82+6=8.


try it

Model: 3+63+6.

Answer: No Alt Text

Model: 5+15+1.

Answer: No Alt Text

  When the result is 1010 or more ones blocks, we will exchange the 1010 blocks for one rod.


Model the addition 5+85+8.

Answer: Solution 5+85+8 means the sum of 55 and 88.

Each addend is less than 1010, se we can use ones blocks.
Model the first number with 55 blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_017_img-02.png
Model the second number with 88 blocks. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_017_img-03.png
Count the result. There are more than 1010 blocks so we exchange 1010 ones blocks for 11 tens rod. CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_017_img-04.png
Now we have 11 ten and 33 ones, which is 1313. 5+8=135+8=13

  Notice that we can describe the models as ones blocks and tens rods, or we can simply say ones and tens. From now on, we will use the shorter version but keep in mind that they mean the same thing.

try it

Model the addition: 5+75+7.

Answer: No Alt Text

Model the addition: 6+86+8.

Answer: No Alt Text

  Next we will model adding two digit numbers.


Model the addition: 17+2617+26.

Answer: Solution 17+2617+26 means the sum of 17 and 26.

Model the 1717. 11 ten and77 ones CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_018_img-02.png
Model the 2626. 22 tens and 66 ones CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_018_img-03.png
Combine. 33 tens and 1313 ones CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_018_img-04.png
Exchange 1010 ones for11 ten. 44 tens and 33 ones 40+3=4340+3=43 CNX_BMath_Figure_01_02_018_img-05.png
We have shown that 17+26=4317+26=43


try it

Model each addition: 15+2715+27.

Answer: No Alt Text

Model each addition: 16+2916+29.

Answer: No Alt Text

  Watch the video below for another example of how to use base 1010 blocks to model the sum of two whole numbers. https://youtu.be/_smXQAPbygQ

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